Rights And Freedoms In Peril: An Investigative Report On The Left’s Attack On America
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Once again New York Times bestselling author, Tom Fitton, rips open the wall of secrecy surrounding Washington and takes us to the core of government corruption!
For nearly 30 years Tom and his lawyers and investigators at Judicial Watch have used the people’s most powerful weapon – the law – to its fullest extent! Tom and his investigative and legal teams are the best in the business, and “Rights And Freedoms In Peril: An Investigative Report On The Left’s Attack On America” is, for anyone who needs it, proof of that.
Judicial Watch is the leading conservative government watchdog known for cutting-edge use of lawsuits to successfully pull back the curtain on what our government is really doing. Here in Rights And Freedoms in Peril Tom sounds the alarm: The Left has taken extraordinary steps to eradicate American liberty, and they are motivated by a radical ideology whose adherents occupy the nation’s highest offices. They have declared war on everything from the rule of law to a colorblind Constitution, border security and government accountability. We cannot do enough to protect our nation from these radical extremists!
Order your copy here and now, and receive a free Judicial Watch Book specially autographed by Tom Fitton!